A "Thank You"

Thank yous’ lose their purpose when used too much or not for the right person…

Right here being the one for whom, just the ‘Thank you’ won’t suffice…

For the fact that - the support and the strength that suddenly comes to you because of this person, can’t always be acknowledged in words…

May be in a smile… or a cup of coffee , but that too is not always an option..

And you are left with nothing but ‘Not to reply’ anything for the act that he’s done that made you so happy, content, humble in the first place..

So here’s me NOT thanking you… For guiding me, supporting me, and most importantly believing in me… Just a no reply…

You of course can respond saying you are NOT welcome, but then again.. I know that is not true too!


या ब्लॉगवरील लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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