Stars and a star-struck kid
Some people just have that effect on you...
The kinds where you feel like a star-struck kid no matter
how many years they have known you..
The minute they walk in ... They own you...
You laugh more than necessary, you forget your lines...
You keep looking at them pretending to listen... With
your ears full of wind chimes...
Try to say something smart and you wont be happy with how
it came out...
But everything they say is pure genius, without doubt...
You are open with them, they are candid with you...
You want to just prove, that everything is going splendid
with you...
You cherish every moment of it and wonder which part of
the conversation...
...will you repeat to your bestie
But the moment, it is time to
say goodbye, you are sad, nervous and hasty...
Some people just have that effect on you...
They have the power to bring out the best of you!