for a change

मी तुझी अन तू माझी वाट पाहणं आता रोजचंच झालंय

for a change, दोघे मिलून पावसाची वाट पाहू ...

एका छत्रीतून जायचं स्वप्न आता रोजचंच झालंय

for a change, दोघे मिलून पावसात भिजायची वाट पाहू ...


advocateofdreams म्हणाले…
Hey nice yaar...rain has this magic of making u feel those poetic ideas.....u r inspiration for me i many atimes feel desparate for expressing something....i ll try now-Pranav Tendolkar....I ve written only a couple of them and it gave me peace....if u scrap me ur mail ... i ll send u atleast one....
advocateofdreams म्हणाले…
Its romantic....u no i also feel same...hence i ll try to take a home where there is an open section like terrace ...where i can sleep while it rains...sardi zali nahi tar me khup vel tithech zopun rahin.....khup vel....

या ब्लॉगवरील लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

उपास मज लागला...

कोडॅक मोमेंट!